How to take on the Legendary Palkia in Pokémon Go - TechnW3

Do you have what it takes to beat Palkia?

For Pokémon Go Fest 2021, Niantic is bringing back every Legendary Raid for one day only. On Sunday, July 18, Palkia will return to Raids, alongside dozens of other Legenday Pokémon. Fortunately, we here at iMore have everything you need to know to win this fight and add Palkia to your roster. And be sure to check out our Best Pokémon Go Accessories, so you can be fully equipped for your Pokémon Journey!

Who is Palkia in Pokémon Go?

The Legendary mascot of Pokémon Pearl, Palkia is a member of the Creaton Trio, alongside Dialga and Giratina. The three were simultaneously created by Arceus and each given a different dimension to control. Palkia controls space in the Spacial World, while Dialga controls time in the Temporal World, and Giratina controls antimatter and the Distortion World. Although Giratina was banished to the Distortion World for its violent nature, Dialga and Palkia only remain peaceful until they see each other. Arceus had to create the Lake Trio, Azelf, Mesprit, and Uxie, to control and calm them should they battle.

In terms of Pokémon Go, Palkia has incredible stats, but it lacks the moves to make the most of those stats. It's still worth having around, especially going up against other Dragon types, but until Niantic gives it a fast Water move or a better charged move than Draco Meteor, it's not going to be a top contender.

What are the best counters for Palkia in Pokémon Go?

Palkia is a Dragon and Water type capable of dealing Dragon, Water, and Fire type damage; however, most of Palkia's moves are Dragon type. This is bad news as its only weaknesses are Dragon and Fairy type. As is often the case with Dragon type Raids, most counters aren't going to last long so be sure to stock up on Potions and Revives before tackling Palkia.


King of Dragons, Rayquaza is the best non-Shadow counter for Palkia. A Dragon and Flying type from the Hoenn region, Rayquaza will take super effective damage from Palkia's Dragon type moves, but it resists both Fire and Water type damage. Its also been featured in Raids multiple times and Special Research, so most players have had the chance to add at least a couple Rayquaza to their roster. Dragon Tail and Outrage are the moves you'll want your Rayquaza to know for this fight.


The mascot of Pokémon Diamond, Dialga is a great counter for Palkia. As a Steel and Dragon type, Dialga is one of few Dragon types that aren't weak to Dragon type moves. It also resists Water type moves too. However, Dialga has only been available twice, so many players haven't been able to catch and power up this Legendary Dragon. Still, if you have one, Dragon Breath and Draco Meteor are the moves you'll want for this Raid.


A pseudo-Legendary from the Hoenn region, Salamence performs well against Palkia. It's a Dragon and Flying type, so it resists Fire and Water type moves, while taking super effective damage from Dragon type. Salamence is also very obtainable, with its first stage, Bagon was featured in a Community Day, as well as other events, and even as a Shadow Pokémon. If you're bringing Salamence to this fight you'll want Dragon Tail for the fast move and Outrage for the charged move.


The Legendary mascot of Pokémon White, Zekrom is a great choice for this Raid. As a Dragon and Electric type, it takes reduced damage from Fire and Water type attacks, and super effective damage from Dragon type. Unfortunately, Zekrom has only had a single run in Raids and that was during a global pandemic, so many players don't even have one, much less the Candy to power it up. Still, if you have one, you'll want it to know Dragon Breath and Outrage for this fight.

Mega Gyarados

The only Mega Evolved Pokémon to make the list, Mega Gyarados performs well against Palkia. It's a Water and Dark type, so it resists Water and Fire, while taking normal damage from Dragon type moves. However, it won't boost other Dragon types, despite its Dragon type moveset: Dragon Tail and Outrage.


Gen V's Haxorus also does well in this Raid. As a pure Dragon type, it resists Fire and Water, while taking super effective damage from Dragon type moves. Unfortunately, its first stage, Axew is an incredibly rare spawn and hatch, so many players don't have the Candy to evolve and power up Haxorus. Dragon Tail and Dragon Claw are the moves you'll want Haxorus to know if you're bringing it to fight Palkia.


Originally discovered in the Sinnoh region of Gen IV, Garchomp is an excellent choice for this fight. It's readily available, with its first stage, Gible being featured in a number of events, including last Community Day. As a Ground and Dragon type, it resists Fire and takes super effective damage from Dragon typ. Dragon Tail and Outrage are the moves you'll want your Garchomp to know going up against Palkia.


Gen I's pseudo-Legendary, Dragonite performs well against Palkia. As a Dragon and Flying type, it resists Water and Fire, while taking super effective damage from Dragon type attacks. Its first stage, Dratini had its own Community Day, as well as being featured in a number of events and an uncommon spawn. On top of that, Dragonite has been featured in Raids, is a rare spawn, and is the reward for the Special Research line, Jump-Start, so there's really no good reason not to have an entire team of Dragonite. If you're bringing Dragonite to this fight, you'll want it to know Dragon Tail and Outrage.


As is often the case with Dragon types, Palkia is a great counter to itself. As a Water and Dragon type, it takes less damage from Water and Fire than most, while taking increased damage from Dragon type attacks. Unfortunately, Palkia has only had two runs in Raids, so many players lack the Candy to power it up. Still, if you're bringing a Palkia to this Raid, you'll want Dragon Tail for the fast move and Draco Meteor for the charged move.


Last but not least, the Gen III Latios performs well in this Raid. As a Dragon and Psychic type, it takes reduced damage from Water and Fire, but increased damage from Dragon. Fortunately, Latios has had several runs in Raids, been a Research Breakthrough reward encounter, and as a Pokémon Go Battle League reward encounter, so odds are you've already got at least one or two already powered up. Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw is the moveset you'll want your Latios to know for this battle.

Back ups?

Although most players will be able to make a team of the best counters, if you're finding a gap in your team, there are plenty of back ups who work well in larger groups. Just make sure you're dodging and any of the following could be a decent back up:

Shadow Pokémon?

The rebalance of Shadow Pokémon rescued from Team GO Rocket make them excellent glass cannons. Not only are their stats boosted, but during special events or with Elite TMs, it's possible to change their moves. If you happen to have any of the following Pokémon with the right moveset, they will work very well in this Raid:

  • Shadow Salamence with Dragon Tail and Outrage
  • Shadow Dragonite with Dragon Tail and Outrage
  • Shadow Gardevoir with Charm and Dazzling Gleam
  • Shadow Gyarados with Dragon Tail and Outrage
  • Shadow Flygon with Dragon Tail and Dragon Claw
  • Shadow Granbull with Charm and Play Rough

Note: Shadow Salamence, Shadow Dragonite, and Shadow Gardevoir outperform every other Pokémon in the best counters list.

How many players does it take to beat Palkia?

With the best counters and moveset, three top level Trainers can beat Palkia, but if you're a lower level or lacking the best counters, you may need as many as six players.

Weather conditions that can impact this Raid include:

  • Wind will boost Palkia's Dragon type moves, as well as your Dragon type counters.
  • Sunny/Clear Weather will boost Palkia's Fire type attacks.
  • Rain will boost Palkia's Water type attacks.
  • Cloudy Weather will boost your Fairy type counters.

Questions about taking on Palkia in Pokémon Go?

Do you have any questions about taking on the Legendary Pokémon, Palkia in Pokémon Go? Got any tips for your fellow Trainers? Drop them in the comments below, and be sure to check out our Complete Pokédex, so you can be the very best like no one ever was!

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