eBay Q2: revenue of $2.7B, up 14% YoY, GMV of $22.1B, down 7%, 159M global active buyers, down 2%; 80% of eBay's S. Korean division sold to Emart for ~$3B (Natalie Gagliordi/ZDNet) - TechnW3

eBay Q2: revenue of $2.7B, up 14% YoY, GMV of $22.1B, down 7%, 159M global active buyers, down 2%; 80% of eBay's S. Korean division sold to Emart for ~$3B (Natalie Gagliordi/ZDNet) - TechnW3

Natalie Gagliordi / ZDNet:
eBay Q2: revenue of $2.7B, up 14% YoY, GMV of $22.1B, down 7%, 159M global active buyers, down 2%; 80% of eBay's S. Korean division sold to Emart for ~$3B  —  Overall, eBay saw a decline in consumer online spending and active buyers, but the company is seeing growth in its managed payments and advertising businesses.

from TechnW3

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