Apple releases Safari Technology Preview 133 with improvements and fixes - TechnW3

What you need to know

  • Apple has made Safari Technology Preview 130 available for download.
  • Builds are available for macOS Monterey and macOS Big Sur.

But Tab Groups still won't sync.

Apple has today released a new version of its Safari Technology Preview app, bringing the version number up to the heady heights of 133. This new update is available for macOS Monterey and macOS Big Sur and both versions can be downloaded from the Apple developer website.

This particular update includes fixes and changes across a whole raft of features including CSS, JavaScript, and Accessibility. Those living on the bleeding edge should note that Tab Groups are not syncing in this particular release, however.

The full release notes are available online while those looking to download the update themselves can go and do exactly that right now, too.

Get a sneak peek at upcoming web technologies in macOS and iOS with Safari Technology Preview and experiment with these technologies in your websites and extensions.

Safari is undoubtedly the best Mac web browser around, especially given Google Chrome's love of eating through any resources it can find.

Apple will be updating Safari across the board once macOS Monterey ships at some point this fall. There is no telling exactly when that will be, however, so keep your eyes peeled and we'll let you know as soon as the update is available for download to your very own Mac. Until then, those on the developer and public beta programs are the ones putting the update through its paces.

- TechnW3
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