Web3 notes from a sci-fi writer and "enemy" of the tech: it shows new protocols are still possible, but is expensive, undemocratic, and impedes ephemerality (Robin Sloan/The Society of the Double Dagger) - TechnW3

Web3 notes from a sci-fi writer and "enemy" of the tech: it shows new protocols are still possible, but is expensive, undemocratic, and impedes ephemerality (Robin Sloan/The Society of the Double Dagger) - TechnW3

Robin Sloan / The Society of the Double Dagger:
Web3 notes from a sci-fi writer and “enemy” of the tech: it shows new protocols are still possible, but is expensive, undemocratic, and impedes ephemerality  —  It's possible you have, in recent months, seen people writing with excitement (or curiosity, or consternation) about “Web3”.

from TechnW3

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