Musk, who wanted to "defeat the spam bots", is lying when he says bots are why he's backing away from buying Twitter at $54.20/share, amid tech stocks' downturn (Matt Levine/Bloomberg) - TechnW3
Musk, who wanted to "defeat the spam bots", is lying when he says bots are why he's backing away from buying Twitter at $54.20/share, amid tech stocks' downturn (Matt Levine/Bloomberg) - TechnW3
from TechnW3
Matt Levine / Bloomberg:
Musk, who wanted to “defeat the spam bots”, is lying when he says bots are why he's backing away from buying Twitter at $54.20/share, amid tech stocks' downturn — Programming note: Money Stuff will be off tomorrow, back on Thursday. Unless. You know. — Oh Elon
from TechnW3
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