Insider Intelligence projects US online sales to rise just 9.4% to $1T in 2022, the first single-digit YoY growth, including slower Amazon sales, up 9% to $400B (Spencer Soper/Bloomberg) - TechnW3

Insider Intelligence projects US online sales to rise just 9.4% to $1T in 2022, the first single-digit YoY growth, including slower Amazon sales, up 9% to $400B (Spencer Soper/Bloomberg) - TechnW3

Spencer Soper / Bloomberg:
Insider Intelligence projects US online sales to rise just 9.4% to $1T in 2022, the first single-digit YoY growth, including slower Amazon sales, up 9% to $400B  — Inc. sellers are bracing for a bleak holiday shopping season as inflation-bitten consumers curb their spending.

from TechnW3

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